Algae Aid Algaecide from Indigo Specialty Products

Algae Aid Algaecide

Algae Aid Algaecide is a turf, ornamental and general-purpose algaecide containing 142.5g/L Quaternary Ammonium Compound. It is registered for the control of algae (cyanobacteria) and mould in golf course, bowling greens and sports turf areas, as well as on hard surfaces such as golf courses and nursery greenhouse floors. Algae Aid is a biodegradable, completely water soluble and a low burn algaecide.

ProForce Contra M Duo Herbicide

ProForce Contra M herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 340g/L MCPA and 80g/L Dicamba. Both active ingredients are present in the form of Dimethylamine salt. It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in all turf management situations and several herbaceous weeds in general non crop situations.

ProForce Cortex Duo Industrial Herbicide

Cortex Duo is a non-selective knockdown and residual herbicide featuring ‘Dual Control Herbicide Technology’ to provide control of seedling and young broadleaf and grass weeds and suppression of established weeds and perennial species. It is registered for use in and around Paths, Driveways, Roadsides, Sheds, Gardens, Amenity horticulture areas, Protected cropping situations, nearby Nursery stock, Orchards and vineyards, Fallow soils and Forestry. Cortex Duo is also registered for the control of Moss and Algae in a range of situations including Gardens, Paths, Rockeries, Tiled Roofs, Walls, Driveways and around buildings. Cortex Duo contains 525g/L Nonanoic Acid and 15g/L Oxyfluorfen.

FastDraw 100

ProForce FastDraw 100 EC Herbicide

Fast knockdown, extended spectrum of weed control in combination with knockdown herbicides.

ProForce Fast Draw 100EC Herbicide contains the active ingredient 100g/L Butafenacil.  It is registered for the control of a wide range of environmental, perennial and annual weeds in a range of situations including commercial, industrial and public service areas, around agricultural buildings and yards.

ProForce Fast Draw 100EC Herbicide is to be used to improve and extend weed control in combination with knockdown herbicide chemistry such as glyphosate and is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation.

MetForce from Indigo Specialty Products

Met-Force 600WG Industrial Herbicide

MetForce 600WG Industrial Herbicide contains 600g/kg of the active ingredient Metsulfuron methyl and is registered for the control of Brush, Woody and Broadleaf weeds in a range of situations including pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas and forestry. MetForce 600WG Industrial Herbicide is a Wettable Granular formulation. MetForce 600WG Industrial Herbicide is available in a 500g pack size which includes a pre calibrated measure for ease of use.

Numchuck Quad by Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Numchuk Quad Herbicide

Numchuk Quad is a non-selective knockdown and residual herbicide featuring ‘Quad Control Herbicide Technology’ to provide effective post and pre emergence weed control for up to 12 months. Numchuk Quad contains 100g/L Glyphosate, 60g/L Amitrole, 15g/L Oxyfluorfen and 350g/L Terbuthylazine, 4 herbicides from different mode of action groups. Numchuk Quad is registered to control most annual, perennial and broadleaf weeds in commercial and industrial areas including rights of way, roadsides, railway lines, guideposts, powerlines and substations, aerodromes, public utilities and fencelines.

Rapid Fire 800 SG by Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Rapid Fire 800SG Herbicide

Rapid Fire 800 SG is a non selective herbicide containing 800g/kg of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of the acid and ammonium salt. It is registered for the control a wide range of perennial and annual weeds in a range of situations including general weed control, non agricultural, brush and woody weed, aquatic and forestry uses. Rapid Fire 800 SG has a very high loading of aquatically approved adjuvant within the formulation.

ProForce Rapid Fire 510 Herbicide

Rapid Fire 510 is a non-selective herbicide containing 510g/kg of the active ingredient glyphosate present in the form of an isopropylamine salt. It is registered for the control a wide range of perennial and annual weeds in a range of situations including general weed control, non-agricultural, brush and woody weeds, aquatic and forestry uses. Rapid Fire 510 has an aquatically approved adjuvant within the formulation.

Renegade by Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Renegade 800WG Herbicide

ProForce Renegade 800WG Herbicide is a preemergent soil residual herbicide that can be used for extended control of both grass and broadleaf weeds in industrial areas, commercial areas and rights-of-way situations. Renegade is particularly strong on grass weed species. The product
contains 800g/kg Bromacil and is ideal for use where control of hard-to-kill and resistant weeds are present. ProForce Renegade 800WG is highly compatible with non-selective knockdown herbicides allowing immediate control of existing weeds.

Slinger 240 by Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Slinger 240 Industrial Herbicide

ProForce Slinger 240 Industrial Herbicide contains the active ingredient 240g/L Picloram present in the form of Potassium salt. It is registered for the control a wide range of environmental, noxious, perennial and annual weeds in a range of situations including Agricultural non crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights of way. ProForce Slinger 240 Industrial Herbicide is a Soluble Concentrate formulation.

Wallop 600 from Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Wallop 600 Industrial Herbicide

ProForce Wallop 600 Industrial Herbicide contains the active ingredient 600g/L Clopyralid present in the form of the acid and Triisopropanolamine salt. It is registered for the control a wide range of environmental, noxious, perennial and annual weeds in a range of situations including rights of way, industrial areas, fallow land, forests and pastures.

SimForce 500 SC

Sim-Force 500 SC Industrial Herbicide

Sim-Force 500SC Industrial Herbicide contains 500g/L of the active ingredient Simazine and is registered for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in non-Agricultural Areas including Footpaths, Factory Sites, Road Shoulders, Headlands, Railway Tracks, Public Utilities, Aerodromes and Fence lines.  It is also registered for control ofweeds in Nursery stock (non- food) – seedlings, plugs, potted colour, trees, shrubs, foliage plants, palms, grasses, fruit trees (non- bearing),Cut flowers including wildflowers and foliage and in established Roses.

Adjuvant and Surfactant Technology for Vegetation Management

Foam AID Foam Suppressant

Foam AID is an advanced formula for prevention and suppression of troublesome foam in spray tanks. Controlling foam reduces filling time and lessens overflow waste.

Monterey surfactant

ProForce Monterey Surfactant

ProForce Monterey Surfactant containing the active ingredients 350g/L Soyal Phospholipids and 350g/L Propionic Acid is a unique, multi purpose, Aquatically approved surfactant solution which enhances performance of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators. Monterey Surfactant also acidifies the spray tank solution, reducing losses due to alkaline hydrolysis and also assists with the uptake of weak acid herbicides.

Red Spray Marking Dye from Indigo Specialty Products

Indigo Red Spray Marking Dye

A red marker dye to assist in the identification of sprayed areas. When used as a foam marker colouring agent, white foam will become pink in colour to assist identification.

Octane from Indigo Specialty Products

Octane Sticker Extender Spreader Non Ionic Adjuvant

Octane is a sticking-extending agent designed to significantly improve the retention and deposition of spray droplets onto leaf surfaces.

Overtake Oil from Indigo Specialty Products

Overtake Oil

Crop Oil Concentrate (COC) based adjuvant and non-ionic surfactant blend to maximize spreading, wetting and penetration of grass, woody weed and non-selective herbicides. Ideal for use with grass Specific Herbicides, Non-selective herbicides, Woody Weed control Herbicides.

Red Spray Marking Dye from Indigo Specialty Products

ProForce Scrubwet Surfactant

ProForce Scrubwet Surfactant is a non-ionic wetter, spreader, penetrant designed to improve the performance of agricultural and horticultural pesticides. It is a specialty organosilicone based surfactant, containing 1020g/L Polyether Modified Polysiloxane that specifically enhances herbicide performance and uptake on hard to kill weeds. Scrubwet is registered for use with a range of general post emergent and low volume herbicide applications, Woody weed and brush weed control operations and fungicide, insecticide, miticide and foliar nutrient spray activities.

Voltage MSO from Indigo Specialty Products

Voltage MSO Spray Adjuvant

Vegetable Oil Concentrate (VOC) based adjuvant and non-ionic surfactant blend to increase penetration through waxy cuticles, reducing spray droplet evaporation rates and wetting and spreading properties. Ideal for use on Mature Grass weed control with herbicides such as Diclofop methyl, Quinclorac, Foramsulfuron, Iodosulfuron sodium methyl and the Imidazolinone herbicide group. Excellent for application to mature weeds with well developed cuticle structures.