AzoForce 250SC Fungicide
Azo-Force 250SC is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 250g/L of the active ingredient Azoxystrobin. It is specifically registered for the control of Anthracnose, Grey Leaf Spot, Helminthosporium disease complex (Bipolaris, Drechslera, Exserohilum spp), Red Thread, Winter Fusarium, Brown Patch and Pythium in all turf management situations. Azo-Force 250SC is a Suspension Concentrate (SC) formulation.

ProForce Clean Sweep Trio Fungicide
Clean Sweep Trio Fungicide is a is a unique fungicide formulation containing 119g/L Thiophanate methyl, 37.5g/L Fluazinam and 36g/L Tebuconazole. Clean Sweep Trio Fungicide is registered for the broad spectrum, curative and preventative control of ERI, Fairy Ring, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot and Helminthosporium in all recreational turf management situations.

ProForce Grenadier 800 WG Fungicide
ProForce Grenadier 800 WG Fungicide is a targeted oomycete fungicide containing 800g/kg of the active ingredient fosetyl aluminium. It is registered for the control of Pythium diseases in golf, bowling greens and other intensively managed turf. In addition to this, it is also registered for Crown and Root Rot (Phytophthora spp.) disease control in ornamental plant situations.

ProForce Regiment 550EC Fungicide
Regiment 550EC is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 550g/L of the active ingredient Propiconazole. It is specifically registered for the control of Spring Dead Spot and Dollar Spot in a range of turf management situations. Regiment 550EC is also registered for the control of stem rust and Blind Seed Disease in Perennial Ryegrass situations as well as Rust in Boronia grown in ornamental situations. Regiment 550EC is a lower solvent loading formulation.

ProForce Shrapnel 600SL Fungicide
Shrapnel 600SL Fungicide contains 600g/L of the active ingredient Propamocarb Monohydrochloride and is registered for the control of Pythium in a range of turf and ornamental plant applications. In turfgrass situations, Shrapnel 600SL can provide a fast, efficient curative fungicide for Pythium infection. It can also provide a useful rotational option for preventative control. In ornamentals, Shrapnel 600SL is a useful preventative and curative fungicide for control of Pythium diseases in containerised plantings, bulk soil treatments or for use in plant establishment activities.

ProForce Solitaire 240ME Fungicide
Solitaire 240ME Fungicide is a targeted Pythium fungicide containing 240g/L of the active ingredient Metalaxyl-M. Metalaxyl-M is also known as Mefanoxam in some countries. Solitaire Fungicide is specifically registered for the control of Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Rot and Damping Off in all turf management situations. Solitaire 240ME Fungicide is a micro emulsion (ME) formulation.

ProForce Squadron Weatherace 720SC Fungicide
Squadron Weatherace is a broad spectrum, contact or protectant fungicide containing 720g/L of the active ingredient Chlorothalonil. It is registered for the control of Brown Patch, Dollar Spot and Grey Leaf spot in all recreational turf situations. In Ornamentals, Squadron Weatherace is registered for the control of Botrytis, Grey Mould, Rust, Septoria and Alternaria leaf blight.

Segway 400SC Fungicide
Segway® 400SC Fungicide is proven to offer consistent and rapid control of and Pythium blight and Pythium root dysfunction. The active ingredient in Segway, cyazofamid, stops spores from germinating, inhibiting all stages of Pythium fungal development. Field trials show Segway 400SC Fungicide is highly effective in protecting professionally managed turf areas against Pythium diseases over a period of 7 to 28 day period, depending on the level of disease pressure.

ProForce Tombstone Duo Fungicide
Tombstone Duo is a broad spectrum fungicide containing the active ingredients Trifloxystrobin (100g/L) and Tebuconazole (200g/L). It is registered for the control of Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Winter Fusarium, Helminthosporium diseases (including White Helmo), Leptosphaerulina, Curvularia, Dollar Spot and ERI (Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi) diseases. In nursery production Tombstone Duo It is registered for the control of Azalea Petal Blight, Botrytis Blight, Grey Mould, Downy Mildew, Rusts, Leaf Spots, Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and Myrtle Rust in a range of Ornamental plant species including but not limited to Azaleas, Roses and non fruit bearing plants of the Myrtaceae family.

ProForce Voltar GT 250SC Fungicide
Voltar GT 250SC is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 250g/L of the active ingredient Iprodione. It is registered for the control of Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Spring Dead Spot, White Helminthosporium and Black Helminthosporium diseases in all recreational turf situations. Voltar GT 250SC is registered for the control of Botrytis blight in ornamental plants. Voltar GT 250SC is an oil based, SC formulation of Iprodione.

ProForce Voltar 500SC Fungicide
Voltar 500SC is a broad spectrum fungicide containing 500g/L of the active ingredient Iprodione. It is registered for the control of Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Curvularia, Spring Dead Spot, White Helminthosporium and Black Helminthosporium diseases in all recreational turf situations. It is registered for the control of Botrytis blight in ornamental plants. Voltar 500SC is a water based, SC formulation of Iprodione which is ideal formulation for placement into the rootzone to control root active pathogens.