18-2.6-9.9 NPK Minis
A professional mini sized homogeneous 3 to 4 month controlled release fertilizer for propagation and container grown annuals. All of the nutrients in Apex 18-2.6-9.9 NPK Minis are combined within each uniform coated pellet, insuring precise distribution and release.
Use NPK Max on all FOLIAGE, NURSERY and GREENHOUSE crops where the ease of application and stand consistency is a must. All NPK MAX formulations have polymer coated primary, secondary and micronutrients to provide consistent nutrition to the plant based on stated longevities. Also contains ETDA Iron chelate to keep the iron in a readily accessible form for plant uptake.
NPK Max Analysis
21-3.0-4.9 Cool Weather Special
(3-4 months @ 21.0ºC)
A high quality, professional 3-4 month controlled release fertilizer for CONTAINERS, BEDDING PLANTS and LAND-SCAPE AREAS